PS. I hate commas.
I never know where they go. I either use to many or not enough. So sorry ahead of time, can a comma be considered a thorn in my side,,,,,,,....,,,....???
Most of my stories are not going to be about crafting. I guess, I'll be the comic relief. It will mostly be me just being me and trying to find humor in some of the weirdest situations. I am not by no means trying to put down or criticize anyone or any place for any of my experiences. It's just life, stuff happens. Better to find the humor and laugh than to always focus on the bad and get angry. NOT ALWAYS easy while you are going through said experience. Trust you me, I have not, I repeat, have NOT always followed that advice. However, with God's help and much praying, I have figured out that I can now look back, shake my head and just laugh. How in the world do I get in the situations that I do? Early on in my Christian life, one scripture stuck out to me and became one of my favorites it is 1 Peter 4:12 which says, Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you. Little did I realize I'd have to remind myself of that very scripture so many times in life. The good Lord, must have known that someday I'd need a good laugh and He has provided me a many good tale to laugh about. LOL, I love to laugh and hope by sharing some of my silly experiences you'll get a good chuckle out of it too. God gave us a sense of humor to laugh and feel good. I think we should choose to use it to encourage, inspire and to uplift ourselves and others.
With all that being said, let's continue on with the stories.